
提供医疗保健和 在非洲分享神的爱

图片来源:Ruben Plomp, Marris SMITH(美国), 护士

玛丽斯·史密斯很小的时候就知道自己想在医学领域发展. 她甚至记得自己不得不向五年级的同学解释妇产科医生意味着什么. 作为一名高中生,Marris决定从事护理工作. 所以当她2007年从LCS毕业时, 2011年,她去了坦帕大学,并在那里获得了护理学学士学位. 她在Moffitt癌症中心完成了最后的临床轮转,此后一直受雇于Moffitt.

But you won’t find Marris treating patients at Moffitt Cancer Center right now; in fact, you won’t find Marris 除非你去看她的医院船 非洲的慈爱 – docked in Madagascar off the coast of Mozambique 在东非.

Marris first heard about Mercy Ships – a global charity that operates a fleet of hospital ships in some of the poorest parts of 世界 – during high 学校. 她在…的两周年纪念日申请的 becoming a nurse and is now on her second trip 在组织中.

关于仁慈船和 非洲的慈爱

慈船是一个国际性的,以信仰为基础的 organization that provides free healthcare throughout 世界. 它由唐·斯蒂芬斯于1978年创立, who dreamed of using ocean liners as hospital ships 关心穷人. 医疗船队已经 服务2.42 million direct medical beneficiaries since 它的成立,访问了56个最贫穷国家的港口 including Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Senegal, 塞拉利昂,多哥等等.

Mercy Ships已经执行了超过67次,000 operations such as cleft lip and palate repair, 白内障切除, 整形手术, 塑料

手术,产科瘘修复等等. 他们有 treated 572,000 patients in village clinics and performed more than 305,000 dental procedures. 的 organization also trains local teachers and professionals in specific areas of expertise including anesthesiology, midwifery, sterilization and more.

In addition to medical procedures, Mercy Ships has completed more than 1,100 community development projects focusing on water, sanitation, education, 农业和基础设施建设.

非洲的慈爱 马里斯服役的那艘船是 world’s largest non-governmental hospital ship and 是献给非洲大陆的. 推出的 2007, this 16,500-ton ship features five operating 房间和82张病床. 它拥有一个普通的船员 一次450个.


Marris was an active student during her time at LCS. 她在乐队中演奏,并在音乐剧和戏剧中表演. She was a soccer player and served on the student council. 她也是包括国家荣誉协会在内的几个组织的成员, 基督教运动员团契和更多. 这些活动和一群亲密的朋友给了Marris许多美好的回忆, 但这也受到了许多老师的影响,他们帮助她为高中毕业后的生活做好了准备.

“Mr. 乔·德罗萨,夫人. 凯西·约翰逊先生. 查克 Fulton all taught me to develop the gifts that God 给了我. 他们还教会我热爱音乐, the importance of dedication and how to strive for 卓越,”马里斯说.

“我第一次意识到. Stabler无意中加入了一个全是女生的九年级圣经班,这对我的生活产生了很大的影响! 他对我们很有耐心,并且很好地利用了这种情况, 让我们讨论圣经的某些应用点,如果课堂上有男生的话,这是不可能发生的. To date, it’s still one of my favorite classes!”

“Mr. 声音,夫人. 曾经,《cq9游戏》我可以保留 会? 我可以列出所有人! LCS的所有老师 really did have a great impact on my life and my family as a whole – greater than I think they even realize.”

One specific area where Marris credits Lakeland Christian for preparing her for the future is in the 注重服务.

然后是Work-A-Thon,最后是高中的宣教旅行和社区服务要求. 我还记得无数传教士和当地慈善机构在教堂里分享. 似乎在每一个转折点,我们都被鼓励去做耶稣的手和脚. 这是我一直坚持到大学和以后的事情.”


During her four years at the University of Tampa, 马里斯参与了校园基督十字军运动和坦帕市中心的当地教堂. 她曾在学生会和学生护理协会任职. 在她大学生涯的早期,Marris甚至在UT Crew队划船.

之后,她打算继续从事儿科护理工作 graduation, but a nursing professor encouraged her 在另一个方向.

“我最终爱上了肿瘤领域,也爱上了我在临床轮岗期间遇到的一些癌症患者. 我的一位教授建议我申请莫菲特癌症中心的最后一次临床轮转, and I have worked there for the past three years.”

Since her graduation, Marris has worked as a registered nurse on the Medical-Surgical, Hematology/Oncology 和莫菲特的化疗部门.

她的第一次旅行 非洲的慈爱

While researching the organization, Marris learned that she needed two years of nursing experience before being able to apply to serve with Mercy Ships. After an extensive application process and many immunization requirements, her application was 2013年获得批准,她收到了第一份工作 two-month assignment for service in early 2014.

图片来源:Ruben Plomp, Marris SMITH(美国), 护士, 和MARINIE (CGA17024), walking through the hospital hallway for excercise.

Marris的第一次旅行 非洲的慈爱 是对的 刚果共和国. 她担任病房护士 and performed typical duties of a floor nurse – prepping for surgery, monitoring patient recovery, addressing complications, checking vital signs, charting, changing dressings, managing drains, 和手术小组沟通,给予 药物治疗和教学练习.

“这与典型的‘西方化护理’有很多不同 非洲的慈爱马里斯说. “所有的病人都住在一个大房间里——20名病人加上他们的护理人员,他们睡在病人的床底下. 空闲时间包括和病人在地板上玩游戏,比如叠叠或四人行. 交流是通过翻译进行的. 的re was a whole lot of laughter and much prayer.”

Marris worked eight-hour shifts five days a week 周末交替休息. 护士轮岗 在白班、晚班和夜班之间.

“换班的时候, 在我们给出“报告”或“交接”之前, we would pray together as a group over our patients. 所有的护士,翻译,有时甚至病人都会加入. 那是我一天中最甜蜜的时光.”

她的第二次旅行 非洲的慈爱

第一次旅行结束后,玛丽丝回到家中,继续担任莫菲特医院的注册护士. 她知道自己对再次服役充满热情,但要回到更长的战场服役,后勤安排不清楚,这对她来说是个挑战,也知道离开家人这么长时间是多么困难,所以在再次踏上这趟旅程之前,玛丽斯花了很多时间祈祷 非洲的慈爱.

我(在诗篇33:13-15的帮助下)得出了结论, 是上帝亲手编织了我的心,让我为这个角色做好了准备, and because of the freedom I have through Christ, 我也可以把这种希望带给别人! 他和我一起兴奋,并承诺陪我走好每一步.”

Currently, Marris is working on a 10-month field 马达加斯加服务. 这次旅行最初是 scheduled to leave for Benin in August of 2014, but the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa postponed her trip until mid-October and forced a location change. 的 last-minute change of plans and waiting on word of her assignment was challenging for Marris, but 对她来说也是一次教学经历.

“It taught me to just live day by day, not knowing 明天会怎样?. 我正在学习如何去信任 God in ways I have not yet learned – with finances, 我的健康,甚至我的未来.”

For this service, Marris is part of the Palliative Care Team and travels to homes of patients to provide care rather than on the ship’s inpatient unit.

“When Mercy Ships screens for potential patients, 许多从筛查中心出来的人不能从提供的手术中受益. 要么是无法手术的疾病,要么是慢性疾病. 这就是缓和医疗团队的作用所在。. “这个团队能够与当地组织合作,提供症状管理,有时还提供临终关怀, 社区资源及, 最重要的是, 在基督里的盼望.”

“我们团队的目标是向那些被孤立的人展示基督的爱, 因为身患绝症而感到绝望和恐惧,并向绝症患者的家属提供支持.”


Serving abroad, experiencing language barriers, 目睹失去亲人,远离家乡 months can all be difficult, but there are big rewards and joyful moments that make the challenges worth 给玛丽丝的.

“的 biggest rewards I received while a part of Mercy Ships have been the small moments shared 与病人. 一些特别的时刻 include singing to God and dancing in the ward services, praying with them before surgery and after 康复,尽管分享了许多欢笑

“当我在病房工作时,看到一个病人的转变是一种祝福. Some were admitted with severe burn contractures, 使他们身体的一部分失去功能并严重变形. 这些病人会微笑着离开,快乐地再次自由地活动. 这看起来很简单,但成为他们转变的一部分是一种快乐!”

“Over the days and weeks of their recovery, patients came to realize that they were loved by us and, more 重要的是,他们被上帝所珍爱. 它变成了 so tangible to these men, women and children that God has loved them all along, in whatever state they 在. 但他为他们两人提供了恢复 身体上和精神上.”


的 mission of cq9棋牌 is to educate students in the light of God’s word to equip them for a lifetime of learning, leadership, service 和崇拜. 对马里斯来说,很容易看出这是如何 使命在她的生活中发挥了作用.

“我记得在Dr. 在Sligh的高级圣经课上,我们谈到了圣经的世界观,它是一个框架,而不是“玫瑰色的镜片”,通过它来看待世界. 这意味着我们可以尽可能多地了解世界和他人, 知道如何用神的话来解释这一切. 这让我为高中毕业后的生活做好了准备,包括大学和工作/成人的世界.”

“I can look back on my time spent at LCS and see 社区和课程怎么样 对塑造今天的我有很大的帮助. 的 mission of LCS sums up how I view my life and the 我周围的世界. 它使我懂得如何 use God’s word to govern my decision-making in all 生活的各个方面,包括日常生活. 根据什么 God says in His word and His great love for us, I am motived and equipped to serve, love, grow and lead 在我的工作场所、家庭、教堂和社区.”

You can keep up to date with Marris as she serves on the 非洲的慈爱 通过访问她的博客 http://medium.com/@marrissmith/. To learn more about the Mercy Ships organization, visit www.mercyships.org.